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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Title of a book I read years ago? It was about a black lab named Jessie. Two kid

Question: Title of a book I read years ago!? It was about a black lab named Jessie!. Two kids save her from being killed!?
!.!.!.from drowning in a stream, because a breeder didn't want her!. The main boy couldn't keep her, but she was given to a relative or friend of the boy's family, and the rest is a blur!. I loved the book, and I cannot find in online anywhere! Please help!. I'd also love to know the author's name too!. Thank you so much!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's "A home for Jessie" by Christine Pullein-Thompson!.
It's the first in a trilogy!.
The others are "Please Save Jessie" and "Come Home Jessie"!.
