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Question: Midnight Sun!?!?copy of book!?
ok where is the print copy of this book so i can read all of it!? i know she put the first chapter but where is the rest of it!? please show a website or the copy of it thanks:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well the original link was deleted, but now she's posted it on her site!. What she has to say is quite interesting!. But the story is good!.

Edit: Why the thumbs down!? She says, "I've decided to make the draft available here (at the end of this message on the Midnight Sun page)!. This way, my readers don't have to feel they have to make a sacrifice to stay honest!." She says that she doesn't want us to feel bad about reading it and doesn't want us to get a bad draft, so she gave it to us!. Stop with all the "loyalty" stuff!. She wants us to be able to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You won't be able to read all of it because some people illegally posted it on the internet, so now because of those people, Stephenie has decided to put it on hold, indefinitely!. You can read a partial draft on stepheniemeyer!.com!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Miss Stephenie is completely against anyone reading Midnight Sun before it is published!. She put a link to the leak on her website so that anyone who has no self-control or respect for her will know what the real copy is!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

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She put it on her site
just so u know, she has quit writing the book until further notice because she is so mad that someone leaked her book onlineWww@QuestionHome@Com