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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Come on guys, can't team edward and team Jacob unite? (see details)?

Question: Come on guys, can't team edward and team Jacob unite!? (see details)!?
I am not exactly a jacob fan!. I don't hate him, i like him!. But i just prefer edward and bella together!. I think he has a great personalitly and i quite like hi8m in BD!. Again i do not love jacob but neigther do i hate him!. I don't see how any true fan can hate any of the 'good guys' in the series! We must all unite to defeat the haters! (haha) in my own way, i do love jacob, he is part of the twilight saga which i love so much and it would not be the same without him!. I know stephenie doesn't like the hatred between some team edward and team jacob people and i also think its stupid!. I decided to ask here to let you know that although i am a *coughcough* Team edward person (please don't kill me!) I do see your point about jacob!. Anyway, if im all for telling the truth, my heart belongs to Jasper!. lolz!.

so come on guys! comment and let me know what you think!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
im the EXACT same way! My hearts belongs to Edward haha but i still love Jacob!! im just like Bella! i love Edward, but i Love Jacob too but as the best friend who will always be there for me! <333 =]]] i think we should all unite <3 xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

i didn't hate Jacob !.
i just liked edward better !.
Jacob is !. !. not who i would prefer !.
but you have your opinions and i have mine !.

I like Jacob,
but I think Edward and Bella belong together!.

Jacob's funny :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well you can just be nuetral:)
i prefer edward and bella!.
jacob got his happy ending anyway, so why is there controversy between the teams!?

haha just my opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Seriously, is Mike a girl or something!?! Where did his team go!?

And anyway it doesn't matter what team you're on!. Both Edward and Jacob are words on paper and nothing more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you!. i really like jacob, i just think that bella should be with edward!. after all, jake got his happy ending too, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should read better books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know! i have friends who take it to seriously!. its like who cares!?

team Werewolfs! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

after reading breaking dawn
all i can say is:

well you could just be Team Switzerland!.