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Question: Help! How can I get published!? Any good small companies!? !?
I'm 13 and writing a novel that I'm aiming to be around 150 pages!. I've written 2 books (48 pages and 38 pages) that I've submitted to sites like Lulu!.com and Wordclay!.com but for this book I really would like to see if I have a shot at 'hitting it big' and making a dream come true!. Can someone tell me the steps, and about agents, and possibly recommend a small publishing company for me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. I personally can't help you wish finding agents or publishers, but if you get the latest edition of Writer's Market, you should be able to find many different prospects!. :) Your local library should have one if you don't feel like buying it!. (I wouldn't suggest buying one - just look at them at the library, in case you decide to wait a few years before actually publishing!. That way, you don't have an outdated copy!.)

2!. If you're under 18, very few publishers will look at you!. They will assume your works to be immature (please note - I'm not saying they /are/ immature), they will assume that potential readers will assume you are immature and they'll be hesitant because you'll need a minimum of five years of education (possibly less if you're home schooled or skipped a grade, but still) before you can spend a large amount of time promoting yours book!. Unpromoted books do not sell!.

3!. Did Lulu and/or Wordclay publish your novels!? If so, I'm afraid you're out of luck!. :( Most publishers wouldn't touch a self-published author with a ten foot pole!. If your stories are absolutely incredible, they MIGHT, but I wouldn't count on it!.!.!. That's not to say you shouldn't try, of course!. If you really want it published, go for it!

4!. Going off of the last one - do not be afraid of rejection!. Read over the publisher's/agent's requirements VERY CAREFULLY!. Give them exactly what they want; nothing more, nothing less!. Make sure that what you do give them sparkles!. Throw the best you've got at them whenever and wherever possible!. As mentioned above, if you've been self-published before, it's probably going to be incredibly hard!. Finding a publisher who will market your books is a challenge in and of itself!. Just be prepared; always keep in mind that many of the best books of our day, including everything from classics like To Kill A Mockingbird to Harry Potter, were rejected numerous times!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com