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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can u recommend books for chuck p. fans? :)?

Question: Can u recommend books for chuck p!. fans!? :)!?
i'm a huge fan of chuck palahniuk! i love invisible monsters and diary the most!. now, i want to check out other authors but i don't know who's good enough! can someone give me a list of good books that kinda have the same feel as chuck's books!? same genre or something!? or if not i just want a raaaaad author that won't bore me haha!. in short i want an interesting book that will keep me hooked!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He's pretty much my favorite too!. Here are some authors that I like!.
Monica Drake
Bret Easton Ellis
Hunter S!. Thompson
Anthony Burgess
George Orwell
Kurt Vonnegut
Mark Z!. Danielewski
Chuck Klosterman
Charles Bukowski
Craig Clevenger
Irvine Welsh
Katherine Dunn
Carlton Mellick III
William S!. Burroughs
Jeremy Robert Johnson
Steven Hall
Hubert Selby
Amy Hempel
Tom Wolfe
Paul Neilan
Ken Kesey

That ought to be enough to keep you busy for a couple days!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bret Easton Ellis
Anthony Burgess
Hunter S!. Thompson

Or, if you want to change venues a bit
Isaac Asimov
David Sedaris
Jonathan Safran Foer
Salman Rushdie
Markus Zusak
Kurt Vonnegut
Flann O'BrienWww@QuestionHome@Com