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Question: What is Sarah Palin's education!?
Please tell me she has more than a B!.S!. in Journalism!.!.!.!.not saying that's a bad accomplishment, but does that along with 2 years experience as gov of Alaska qualify her for Vice President!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a different time now than when Grover Cleveland was President!. Comparing his level of education to Palin's is comparing apples to oranges!. Cleveland was a lawyer!. Palin was a sports writer!? McCain could have done better!. He won't pick up many Hillary votes as he hopes because Palin is no Hillary Clinton!. She does remind me quite a bit of Elaine, though, so maybe she'll get a few votes from Seinfeld fans!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What looks more trustworthy in your opinion!?

1!. Someone who obviously trained for another career before being inspired into politics by what she saw around her (Palin), or

2!. Someone who did a BA in Political Science before doing law school!? (Obama)

Her lack of political experience, her being "clean" of all the baggage that goes along with career politicians, is her strongest selling point away from the GOP base!. Better someone who is competent but lacking experience than someone who will never be competent no matter how much experience he eventually gathers!.

To actually answer your question, yes, that is "all" of her education!.


What about Grover Cleveland, who was elected to the presidency for the first time with one term as a county sheriff, one term as mayor of Buffalo and two years as governor of New York!? He didn't go to university at all!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She has a degree in communications-journalism with a minor in political science from the University of Idaho!. She was on the City Council in Wasilla from 1992 to 1996, Mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002 and was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006!.

You can check here http://www!.votesmart!.org/bio!.php!?can_id=!.!.!. or http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Sarah_palin!.!.!. or http://www!.nationaljournal!.com/almanac/2!.!.!. for more information!.

Just as a reference, there have been several Presidents who didn't go to college at all!. Some include (from Wikipedia, though I knew about Lincoln and Jackson):
* Andrew Jackson
* William Harrison (attended college but never received a degree)
* Zachary Taylor
* Millard Fillmore
* Abraham Lincoln
* Andrew Johnson
* Grover Cleveland
* Harry Truman – went to law school but did not receive a degree

***Note: I find this obsession with the level of education rather confusing and interesting!. Cleveland was at a different time (as casunbeam pointed out below) - one in which there weren't as many advisors surrounding the politicians and one in which so much information was not instantly available!. In history, some of the greatest thinkers, inventors and statesmen did not have the level of education seemingly required today!. Of course at that time (and until just recently, apparently), hands-on experience was recognized as just as important as a type of degree!.!.!.good thing, too, since the Wright brothers (as an example) didn't even receive high school diplomas!.

You may think you know by this how I will vote; you don't!. If I wanted to state it, I would answer questions in Elections instead of Books & Authors!. I will tell you that a politician's stand on various issues and his vision is far more important to me than what degree they may or may not have received!. He could be the most brilliant man in America with the most impressive resume, but if I think his vision will lead us into a cesspit, he won't have my vote!. It's as simple as that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. The BA in journalism is all she's got!. And most of the time she was actually in journalism, she seems to have been a sports reporter!.

If she gets elected, you're definitely looking here at a few years of on the job training!. Even if McCain stays healthy, it's hard to imagine her playing the substantive policy role that was managed by Cheney, Gore, and even Dan Quayle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe she does, but I could be wrong!. I understand where you're going with your point, but a Masters or Phd doesn't make someone smart or "educated!." Some of the dumbest people I met had those titles after their names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, look on the bright side!
She was once voted Miss Congeniality!
That's gotta be worth something, right!?
