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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone have any good Novel ideas?

Question: Anyone have any good Novel ideas!?
Hi everyone!. I am trying to write a Novel!. And I have one problem!. What should I write it on!? I would like something interesting, with lots of details!. Please help me!! (Easy 10 Points!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try to write something about a love story between an angel and a demon maybe!. You can make it a romance between one person and a thing, but it all really depends on what you feel like making!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write it loosely on the john edwards sexual affair and fall to ruin which is still o an on going drama!.!.!.this way you will have frame work and can fill it out how ever you wish!.!.this could actually be a money maker!. because it just like some movie but real life!. A sleazy lawyer who became rich by suing doctors for millions $ for delivering women's babies and he claimed they were responsible for their downs syndrome!.!. then runs for Senate of no!. carolina wins then tossed after one term,,,the runs for pres!. losses his try,,,then tries to get vice pres!. job is not chosen !. all time he is running his wife is dying from cancer!. and he uses her for publicity saying how much he loves her !. Then it is discovered he was scerwing a woman he meet in a bar in n!.y!. and hired and gave her a job on his campaign so she could travel with him and make some really bad videos for use on you tube for his campaign for pres!.!.!.when he knew he was busted he tells his dying wife about it !.but swears it was over!.!.then it is revealed that his mistress is pregnant and all believe it is his,!. there is no father on the birth cert!. A aid friend johns claims he is the father he has wife and 4 kids and a shady back ground!.!. then it is discovered that a rich supporter(another sleesy lawyer) and very rich!. has been paying both the mistress and the guy Young to lie about who the baby daddy( each about 15000$ per month!.!. the mistres is living in a 6 million & house in so!. calif!. then the x-senator is busted last month visiting his new baby and her all nite in hotel while the baby is with her friend next room--reporters bust him at 3 am sneaking out and he runs into a bath room to hide untill security rescues him!.!.he goes on natl tv to admit it to help it blow over,!.!. during his appoligy to his supporters,,he says he did have the affair ,but it was while his wifes cancer was in remission!. she is now terminal!. also some legal probs for the sleesy lawyer/senator!.!.seem he used campain funds to give to his girl friend!.!.while wife is dying ,john and his videotogragher take trip together to africa to help the poor!? the senators campain slogan was"two americas" one rich and one for poor!. seems john had his own two americas the family with dying wifeand family and the one with his new age type girl!.!.o yea this girl goofy spirit driven hippie type!. her friends say john told her he loved her and could get married when his wife is gone!.!.and begged her not to get a abortion!.!.!.!.!.this is an on going story as of this moment!. some one gotta make movie out of this!.----you wanted a story that could have great detail i only gave a portion of it!. you do know the john edwards affair dont you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about a love story set during the holocaust!? a story between a concentration camp prisoner and a officer!. it was just a thought!. Www@QuestionHome@Com