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Question: How do you stay interested in writing!?
I have so many unfinished stories!.

How do you stay interested in something you started to write!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most starting writers begin by having a great idea, or want to write their own take on an idea they've already read somewhere else!. No shame in that, even Shakespeare worked with ideas from other sources!.

The problem is that a great idea isn't enough!. You have to want to tell a story, and have to know how it's going to end, and how it's going to get from the beginning to that particular end!.

Go back over all your unfinished stories, Remember what it was that prompted you to write each one, and then see if you can imagine how you want that story to end, and what has to happen in the story and to the characters, to make that end come about!. Take notes!. If you can see in your writing where you started to lose interest, the notes may help you focus on what needs to happen next to keep the story interesting, not only for the reader, but yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you really like something then you will finish it!. Like you, i have many discarded stories that i have started but never finished!. I think you just have to find that right story that you just want to write and write and write!. At this moment i am writing a story that hopefully will get published! Just keep writing and hopeully you will just fall in love with one of your stories and practising will only make your writing better!Www@QuestionHome@Com