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Question: About writing a novel/screenplay!?
I am writing a novel and a screenplay at the same time and I have a few questions!. Answer what you will!. Thank you!.

1!. How do I get my novel published and does it cost anything to do so!?
2!. How much does it cost to get it copyrighted!?
3!. Is it ok if I were to write a novel and a screenplay with the same story!?
4!. Unlike screenwriting, can anyone have a chance at being an author!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. The cost of getting a novel published is dependent upon whether you self-publish or get a traditional publisher!. You pay for self-publishing, but you also get more of the royalties from sales; HOWEVER, self-publishing can have its pitfalls!. Typically, physical bookstores, like Barnes & Nobel, won't carry them!. You have to do all of the marketing yourself, and most of the sales will be from online sites, like Amazon!. Traditional publishing pays you an advance on your royalties, pays for the copyright costs, and gets your book into bookstores as well as the Internet!. They can also help with marketing, altho you may still do a lot yourself if you want your book to stand out among the hundreds (perhaps thousands) that are released each year!.

2!. Copyright costs are small ($60-$75, if I remember)!.

3!. I'm no lawyer, but I think a screenplay of your novel is acceptable as long as you retain your ownership rights to your novel in any book contract you sign with a publisher!. If someone is interested in the book for a movie, however, they may or may not want to use your script!.

4!. Of course, anyone can be an author - if you want to self-publish!. If you want to go through traditional publication, you need to have a well-crafted, well-written piece of work to sell!.

Your living as an author is dependent upon the amount of work you put into marketing your work and your name, as well as your writing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The Marshall Plan!.
2!. Free, or $60 est!. to get it formally done!.
3!. No or it depends on usage rights and if it was previously solicited!.
4!. The Internet age of blogs and wordsmith makes anything possible!.
To make a livable wage is another matter!. Www@QuestionHome@Com