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Question: Good father figure name!?
Hey everyone, I'm writing a book and one of the main characters has a father figure that protects him and helps guide him on his journey!. This guy is very much like Gandalf (LOTR and Hobbit), Dumbledor (Harry Potter series), and Brom (Eragon)!. This guy is a druid now retired from his duty!. He used to be married but his wife died early, but left him with two sons!. also this guy used to be a very powerful Druid, head of group of druids!. And seems to be act more childish then adult, and the grandkids love him because of that!. Yet he is very wise!.

Any help would be really appreciated!. I'm hoping for something mysterious but nice!.Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Samdlylyn don't know just a thought Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com