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Question: Midnight sun scandal!?
i am such a loyal twilight fan and just recently stephenie meyer has made a official statement about the recent Midnight sun Scandal!. ( http://stepheniemeyer!.com/ ) i"m so upset that some bozo who stephenie trusted with the manuscript would leak it out to the internet!. I have like a stephenie Meyer shelf at home there will always be an empty spot that midnight Sun desires to take up!. I'm really upset that people would do that!. Stephenie was gracious enough to upload the first chapter on her website!. I was amazing! but i can't believe people would deceive her like that!. Dos anyone else feel this way!? how do you feel about Midnight sun Being put on hold indefinitely!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm over-the-top upset!. I can't BELIEVE that she would just STOP writing Midnight Sun! I mean, she seemed just as excited about it as the rest of us! And now, she's so sad!. Just like all us Twilighters!. It's totally unfair and I can't believe her drafts got leaked out!. It makes me SO mad and sad!. What am I supposed to look forward to now!? -sigh-
And just for the record!.!.!. I never read anything beyond the first chapter of Midnight Sun!. Ever!. Although I read the first chapter billions of times!.!.!. all the while thinking, "I can't wait to read the WHOLE thing! It's going to be amazing!!!!!" -sigh-Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was shocked when I heard!. I have joined several (and by several I mean many) petitions to get SM to rethink the situation!. MS just can not be put on hold!. These things happen!. People put trust into the wrong people!. But, to stop the writing of this book indefinitely!? I cried!. I love Edward, and I read the first chap, like many others, and I thought it was great!. Can you imagine the next 12 chaps!? Can you imagine the whole book!? As a loyal fan, just like you, Im not going to read the 12 chaps!. Im going to wait for SM to pull through, and Im going to wait for the whole book!. Patience is a virtue!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I felt really upset about it and I just wanted to give the person who leaked it a good punch in the face!. No, seriously!. I wanted to cry - like on the verge of tears!. My eyes started tearing up!. However, I'm not putting the blame on Stephenie for her decision!. Whatever her decision turns out to be, I will never ever hate her!. She's given us so much already!. I know that she's upset; I would be, too!. We just have to wait and see what comes!.!.!. until then, sign the 'Save Midnight Sun' petition:


Yeah I read it and she seemed a little kiddish in the post on her site!. Like she was blaming US for reading it!. Hey steph heres a newsflash!. You can't trust anyone! she should've made everyone she gave the manuscript sign something!.!.!.God dumb move by meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you completely i am pissed at the person who did this but he or she only did it because they love Stephenie's Meyer's work but it was still wrong!!!
now that one of us deceived her the others don't get to enjoy the amazing book :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ugh! Im a Soo Effin mad! I was so looking forward to reading midnight sun (Not the leaked pages but the WHOLE thing!) I got sent the leaked ones but i didn't read them!.And now I am going to have to because thats all I will ever have! (well from edwards POV anyways)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Save Midnight Sun petition


the whole situation blows Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will die if I don't get to read Midnight Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com