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Question: Future of Midnight Sun!.!.!.!?
I know that there are quite a few sad ones today (I am devestated)!.!.!. What do you guys think about the leak!? I can't BELIEVE someone would exploit the book and SM like that! I just!.!.!. argg!.!.!. and I was so excited too!
Do you think SM might end up publishing Midnight Sun!? Ever!?

The whole thing just makes me steam up!. Arggggg!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm on the verg of tears!. I'm broken hearted!. A hole has formed in my chest!. I can't belive some people can be so stupid and do that the SM!. But i think never getting midnight sun published would be a heartbreaker to so many of her young adult and teenage fans!. I can't imagine what she might be going through right now!. Before this whole scandal broke out she was so excited for this book to be published! I'm so upset!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, of course she will! The statement will go like this:

Thanks so much to my loyal fans who have supported me through this difficult time and who have not read it!. I was overwhelmed by all the petitions and emails and so i'm going to start again!.

Predictable or what!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i found out this morning it ruined my day i was heart broken!.!. still am!.!.

Save Midnight Sun petition


(Help me get the word out people plz)Www@QuestionHome@Com