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Question: Midnight sun;;twilighters only :)!?
all i can say is oh my god!!!!!!!!! i am so p!ssed
on SM's website it says shes so upset about the 12 chapters leaked that shes putting midnight sun on hold for a while!.!.!.!.um yea ok, i almost died when she posted that, i hope she means ill put it off for a few weeks or a month or two but if its longer i will be soooo mad! She also said that if she kept writing she would probably write that the cullens all died :O i fricken hate the people who put those chapters online!i feel bad for SM, and i hope she will go back to writing more soon!.( or i might go into twilight saga with drawl )

anywho this is for people who only like the saga please, no haters, i simpley feel like if you hate something dont post anything about it it is basically a waste of time for you!.!.so people who love the saga, what are your opinions and feelings about this!?

*another Q*
what are your thoughts on breaking dawn!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just feel really bad for her because she sounded so sad and disappointed in her message!. I mean who can blame her!?! She knows who leaked the manuscript, so i would make their name public so that they can feel the full impact of their stupidity! I just really hope she still decides to finish it!. I mean there's still more than half the book to go and she said Edward's point of view was longer!.

I liked Breaking Dawn enough to finish reading it, but I just had this bad after taste in my mouth when i was finish!.!.!.it felt like the story was still too incomplete!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm not sure I'm a hater, I used to love the Twilight saga!. Now I am pretty tired of it!. I thought that what she posted of Midnight Sun was kind of boring, I don't know if anyone else felt the same way!? I wouldn't buy it if she typed it all and published it, though I own all the other books!.

I didn't like Breaking Dawn!. It didn't satisfy my thoughts on the story!. It just didn't sit well with me!. I loved the others, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she's going to finish it:
It's sad!.
I liked Breaking Dawn I went through this shock period during the 1st book of BD where I wanted to throw it out my window, but in the end I reall loved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i want more twighlight!!!!
and breaking dawn was ok!.
who was the idiot that posted the twelve chapters!?

*starts riot*
JoIN ME!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I honestly feel bad for Stephenie!. I mean she trusted someone with her unedited manuscript, and they'd go behind her back and post it online for the whole world to see!? Seriously, who would do that!? also, I know she's going to continue writing, it's too big of a project and too anticipated to just stop!. She'll just indefinitely put it off for who knows how long!. I just hope it's not TOO long!.

Boring!? That's crazy!. It's even more exciting then Twilight because you can see the struggles Edward has to face!. Maybe it's just because you already know the story and how it ends, it comes off as boring!. But not for me!.

And, I liked Breaking Dawn!. It definitely wasn't what I expected and at first I didn't like it, but eventually I came to enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com