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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Was there a book about this person?

Question: Was there a book about this person!?
Hello!.I had a paranormal experience involving a Ouija board!.Since then I still have no answers!.I came in contact with someone who called herself marilyn b!. walters!.She told me some info on herself and also told why she was sticking around!.I went to the library and to my surprise found the woman and her story about her death to be true!.I have been a believer since!.But a few days ago i was telling my experience to a friend who told me that she found the same story in a book!.Now i have yet to find a book relating to this woman!.I'm wondering if anyone has ever read one or came across one about this marilyn!.I'm curious because even though my story is very true it makes others think that i am lying since this girl said it was in a book!.Can anyone help!?whether or not it was in a book i will stick by my story because i know what i experienced was very real!.thanks to whoever can help with finding this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck !.