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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Schoolgirl manga/anime/ novel set in school?

Question: Schoolgirl manga/anime/ novel set in school!?
im looking for a manga or anime that is set in a high school!. or a novel or graphic novel set in a school, im not a pervert or anything im in school my self and am studying them for my English class!. i would be great full!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try Azumanga Daioh!. It is both manga and anime; I have seen the anime!. It covers the story of a half - dozen high school girls, all the standard types--the hick, the child genius, the nerds and slackers, etc!.

There is some slight 'mature' content, mostly having to do with one male teacher who is often drooling -literally- over the girls, or otherwise behaving inappropriately, although this is more implied than explicit!.

Other than that slight caution, it is a delightful series to watch, not much in the way of overall plot, except for the girls' progress through school!. A lot of episodic skits, almost!.

No magic, no robots, no angels or demons!.

Highly recommended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me2 is a manga book (love manga) and i think i can remember it being set in a school in the first few chaptersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ichigo 100% if you want a graphic animeWww@QuestionHome@Com