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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Books similar too the series Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

Question: Books similar too the series Percy Jackson and the Olympians!?
I read the rest of the series and I really liked it!. Is there any books similar too it!. I am looking with something with a good amount of action like that!. And please make it a series since I read the entire series a book a day!. I am a speed reader and it's a curse!. So please anything with action and somewhat similar to the series!. Please do not say Harry Potter!. And has anyone read a nook from the Artemis Fowl series since I was looking into that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Shadow Thieves - Anne Ursu
Point Blank - Anthony Horowitz
The Pilgrims of Rayne - D!. J!. MacHale
Skybreaker - Kenneth Oppel
Charlie Bone and The Beast - Jenny Nimmo
The Dark Hills Divide: The Land of Elyon, Book 1 - Patrick Carman
The Reality Bug - D!.J!. MacHale
The Squad: Perfect Cover - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Flyte - Angie Sage
The Great Tree of Avalon 2: Shadows on the Stars - T!. A!. BarronWww@QuestionHome@Com