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Question: Sorting Quiz (Harry Potter Fans)!.!.!.!?
This is, by far, the most accurate sorting quiz ever:

Its not biased, has interesting questions, and is pretty awesomely made!.

What house did you get!? Do you think its accurate for your personality!? (No biased answers!.!.!. like, if you get Hufflepuff, don't say "Its not accurate" just because you think hufflepuffs are wimps)

I got Hufflepuff!. Its accurate, although unexpected!. I'm rather hard working, loyal, and truthful!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hufflepuff, as I expected!.
After all, the heroic Griffindors and awesomely brainy Ravenclaws need good friends and companions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i got hufflepuff as well !.!.that's funny i always turned out ot be ravenclaw sometimes gryffindore but i've never been hufflepuff it's because the most notable thing about hufflepuff is that they're kind and it's not the most notable thing is me though !.!.!.but when it comes to think of it considering the other groups i think i'm hufflepuff after all it doesn't matter if i like the characters in harry potter who were in it (and who was in it that was known umm: cedric or hannah abbot definately not my best characters) but i couldn't wish to be gryffindore they're way much better than me

nice quiz difficult too

I got "Gryffindor" although I think I would be much better in Hufflepuff--I'm not good or nice enough to be in "Gryffindor!."

I sort of wanted to be made in Ravenclaw because everyone thinks Luna Lovegood and I would be BFFs!. Go Luna!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got Hufflepuff too!!
To be honest , I'd like to be in Ravenclaw , since they're witty and smart!.
But Hufflepuff isn't bad either!. Good it wasn't Slytherin!.

xx GreetingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ravenclaw for me!.

I think that's probably right, I do sit and ponder things a lot, but then I've done other tests before that have given different results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was surprised i got hufflepuff i was hoping i would have gotten Gryffindor but im happy i didnt get in SlytherinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lol, I got Hufflepuff!. Though there were some questions that made me stop and think, like the one that asked if I prefered to draw or write!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got Gryffindor!. It's funny cuz I like Ravenclaw best, but Gryffindor is good too!. ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got Slytherin!. But I'm nice! And so much fun!. Just because I'd rather hang out with mean people than stupid ones!.!.!.

Haha, great quiz! Thanks for sharing!Www@QuestionHome@Com