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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone read Chuck Palahniuk's novels (great satirist who wrote Fight Cl

Question: Does anyone read Chuck Palahniuk's novels (great satirist who wrote Fight Club)!?
If so, what's your favorite and why!. Mine, besides Fight Club, is Invisible Monsters because it brings to mind a lot of different perspectives and ideas!. The philosophies in the book were very interesting and the plot twists were phenomenal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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My favorite (besides Fight Club) is either Invisible Monsters or Survivor!. I got on a big Palahniuk kick and read them all really fast, so I plan to reread them in the near future (although that goes against practice of why reread when you can read another!? But his are worth it)!.

I won't spoil it, but I liked Survivor because of the ending!. I had several theories about the ending, researched it, and found a quote by Palahniuk revealing his intentions of the ending, which had never crossed my mind!. Of course, it was genius!.

In addition to the plot twists and philosophical aspect of his books, I love his entire writing style- the darkness and cynicism in his matter-or-fact tone!. I also love all his little saying in books, as in "Bermuda triangled" in Diary!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Haunted the most!. With some of his other novels I loathe the main characters and the whole story gets really tedious to read!. With Haunted when I got sick of a character a new chapter would start and I wouldn't have to hear about them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com