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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you suggest some good non-fiction books?

Question: Can you suggest some good non-fiction books!?
I'm a 20 year old female and just love to learn!. Educational books are just too heavy to lug around!. I'm interested in just about anything but love any type of theory, ethics and psychology!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
a child called it is a really great easy read and so sad and eye-opening!.
also a long way gone!. its about a child soldier in africa who was kidnapped and brainwashed into killing!. its so good and its an autobiography!.
also this turned out to be fake but a million little pieces was really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's kind of sad that you don't think you can learn from Fiction books!. Some great authors use fiction to make points that can't be done in non-fiction!. You can especially learn a lot in theory/ethics/psych in fiction!. I'm not trying to patronize, just saying!.
Albert Camus is one of my favorite authors, he does some fiction and non-fiction!. "The Stranger" is one of my favorites by him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the very best non-fiction books I have ever read is "A Purpose Driven Life" Check it out, you will be glad you did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Born on a blue day
Change your brain change your life
Not on our watch
Don't lets go to the dogs tonight
a world lit by fire
how doctors think
on bullsh*t


Devil in the White City is excellent!. I also enjoyed Freakonomics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Red Scarf Girl
When My Name Was Keoko
Sole Survivor
The Hot Zone

Stiff by Mary RoachWww@QuestionHome@Com