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Question: Wuthering Heights !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
for those who have read wuthering heights what is it about !?
and is it hard to read because i heard it has a bit of old english talk in it!?
lastly did you like it or did you not really care for it!.!?
iam just curious because i kinda want to read it but i want to know a little bit about it first so yaaaa!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wuthering Heights is one of my favorite stories!. It is a great, although unconventional, love story!. It wasn't too difficult to read, though it does have a lot of old English!. It's easy enough to figure out the words, it is not like Shakespeare!. It was such a great love story because it was doomed from the beginning and it's very unpredictable!. The two main characters love each other so passionately!. I would say it is worth reading!.

Heathcliff is a adopted by a family with a daughter and a son!. The three kids grow up together but Hindley (the son) hates Heathcliff and resents him and Cathy (the daughter) falls in love with him!. Though she loves him she does not pursue the relationship because he is not good enough and she marries her neighbor!. The story is told from the point of view of a servant who is telling a guest that visits Wuthering Heights years after all of this has happened!. It is very interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm in the middle of reading it for the first time myself!. it isn't to hard to read as far as the language, although i do have to read a phrase twice a couple of times (mostly when joseph talks)!. so far i like the story!. it is a real love hate relationship kinda of thing, it involves a lot of resentment, unrequited love and the need for revenge for slights real or imagined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't very hard to read, even though there is some old english in it!.
Its a love story that has troubles!. It is pretty hard to explain what the whole thing is about but it is definetely a love story!!!!
I realllyyyy enjoyed it but the other people in my group in class didn't really enjoy it too much!. BUT I LOVED IT!!(:
and i have read it a couple of times and liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically, it's a twisted love story!. Man's inhumanity to man and all that!.
I wouldn't say it's an exceedingly easy read, but it's understandable!. The hardest part is remembering the character names and what ties they have to each otherr!. Some of the dialogue, too!.
I liked the book, but I hated all the characters!. Hahah!. Www@QuestionHome@Com