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Position:Home>Books & Authors> There are alot of people who disliked breaking dawn right?

Question: There are alot of people who disliked breaking dawn right!?
i feel likeim the only one at my school who hated the book
my friends are like " omg i loved it" " how can u not like it" etc
i thought the book had no plot and the characters were out of characterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are right!. The book was terribly written, 'course you could expect that being that it was written by Meyer!. The book had a crap plot with no climax, the characters didn't do much except have sex and argue which made for a boring story, and the characters were, as you said, our of character!. All in all, it was the worst closing book to a series I've ever read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well , your friends have to respect you and your opinion!.
If they're not doing that , they're not your real friends!.
There's no reason for you to worry , if you're the only person in your school who didn't like the book and is not sucker for Twilight , like most people are, who cares!?
I didn't like this book either , so it didn't matter to me, there's nothing that can change my mind , and i'm happy and proud about it!.

xx GreetingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, a lot of people disliked Breaking Dawn because of the 'horrible' ending!. Of course, bunches of people loved it, too!.

Here is a website of some negative reviews of the book:

Hope that helps! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course, there are a bunch of people who hated it and who loved it!. i personally thought it was "ok" but not up to my standards at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're not alone!. Many ex-fans are horribly disappointed!. Don't let your love for the series blind you!. Stand up and form your own opinion!.