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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do people not realize the Cullen's black eye color when they are thirsty

Question: How do people not realize the Cullen's black eye color when they are thirsty!?
That would freak me out!. Black eyes, like iris and everything!. How come no one in Twilight ever noticed!? I mean yeah Bella noticed the black eyes!. But she didn't think it was unhuman!. I would've researched it if I were her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That would just be one of /many/ Twilight plot holes!.

I suppose you could say it's because everyone in Forks (besides the Cullens and Bella, apparently) are all the stereotypical airhead self-conscious egotistical know-it-alls who don't pay attention to anyone but themselves!. That's probably how Meyer's justify it - they're too busy looking in the mirror to look at them!. Something strange like that!. >!.> You just have to "use your imagination," to quote the Twihards!. -shrug-Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, yeah, but Bella's an idiot!. She thinks a guy who constantly tells her he has the power to kill her is soooo hot and god-like!.
And it's stupid to think that no one had noticed it before except for oh so speshul Bella!.
Although maybe people had noticed, and that's where the stored blood from Breaking Dawn actually came from !. !. !. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have black eyes and people dont really care if your saying they didnt notice the color change then yeah id noticeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Plot hole!. To Meyer, unless you're a vampire/or you know about them, you are an idiot and don't deserve to live!.