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Question: How did Midnight Sun get leaked!?
Stephenie Meyer said she gave some copies to people with good intentions!.!.!.!.!.how do you think they got leaked!? Who could of leaked the first 12 chapters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The way she put it, it sounds like she gave it to someone she trusted!.!.!. and then THAT individual probably let someone THEY trusted get a peek at it!. I imagine it snowballed from there!. She said something about how the person who is responsible she did not believe had malicious intent!.

It's kind of like!.!.!. if someone tells you a REALLY big secret!.!.!. and you just can't contain yourself so you break and tell someone YOU really trust but make them swear not to tell a soul!. And, that person DOES tell someone else!.!.!. or someone else overhears it!.!.!. or it gets sent through an email and someone else hacks into that person's email!.!.!.!. there are lots of ways this could have happened without the person she gave the draft to actually intending to leak her book!.

She sounds to me like a very kind and understanding person!. I don't know that I would have that kind of forgiveness in me if I were in the same position!.!.!. LOL!. Lawyers would probably be involved!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you read the whole post, you will see that she knows who had the leaked copy!. All the copies she gave out were a little different!. She knows who did it, but it is none o our business!. also, she thinks that the original share was not done with malicious intent!. The person who shared it probably didn't realize that it would be spread!. She is upset at the rabid fans who are promoting the pirated copy though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, we won't know for sure, but it sounds like she gave it to one of her friends and they were so enthusiastic about it that they posted it online to share!. But we know for sure that it was someone who she'd trusted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She said on her site that she had sent a few copies to trusted individuals!. Each copy was slightly different, so she knows whom it was leaked through, but she doesn't think it was their fault, because they are trustworthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you go onto her site
it exlpains it all on the first page it comes to!.
But i think that the perso she gave it to has put it on th einternetWww@QuestionHome@Com

well we all know an asshole leaked the first 12 chapters!
it had to be someone she trusted because she said so herself!
i really don't know who, or how it happened but i am VERY mad about it!
and veryy sad :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

on her website it said that she only handed out slightly different drafts of her book to people she trusted!. so someone that she trusted leaked the book :[Www@QuestionHome@Com


i dont think we'll ever know