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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you feel about stephanie meyer not continuing midnight sun?

Question: How do you feel about stephanie meyer not continuing midnight sun!?
cus im pissed at the retarded people who decided to leak the freakin book
this is bs and the people who leaked it should just go away and stop being idiots guess what!? now we dont get the whole book we just get some rough draft thats not even complete

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah I just read this news on her website!. I'm not really a diehard Twilighter, but thats just really lame! That just plain sucks for her fans!. I think its her job as a writer to finish her story not leave it hanging just because a few spoiled susans had to go off and leak it!. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE, PEOPLE!.

I don't agree with her continuing MS indefinitely!.!.!. its just a bad move after the whole BD explosion!.

Who else received a copy of MS!? I don't think RP said he hated the books (unless you have evidence of him stating that) but on an issue from Empire magazine he admits that he hates the character of Edward!.!.!. but he could just totally be sarcastic like he always is!. He did say he hated the character of Cedric in an interview too haha!. Idk, I don't really think he would do something like this anyway!. What would he get out of it!? He's really just doing a dis-service to Smeyer not the rabid fans who used to hate on him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Stephenie Meyer is being incredibly immature!.
Yes, her book got leaked!. So did Breaking Dawn, but by then there was no hope and she had to release it anyway!. I bet anything that if the same thing had happened to Breaking Dawn, she would have 'put it on hold indefinitely'!.
The mature thing to do, of course, is to continue writing!. Acknowledge that, yes, the book got leaked, but she is writing the rest of the thing anyway!. It would be the only thing to do!. She promised it to her fans and she should follow through on her promise!.
Instead she is with holding it from them and punishing them for things others have done!. That is not fair to her fans!. They were looking very much forward to this and she can not think of them and try, at least, to go on!.
I am an anti-Twilighter, but I can not help but feel sorry for the fans, rabid or otherwise!. Stephenie Meyer is not writing for herself any more, no matter how many times she says she is always writing for herself!. She is now writing for a huge audience, and she has failed every one of them!.

Edit: The little theory that RPattz leaked the draft is not actually too unfounded!. He's been going around since publicity started saying how much he hates the books, so it's possible!.
Plus I will like him so much more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know you're pissed!. But am I allowed to have a different opinion!? I'm lethargic!.
PS and yes, I believe RP leaked it!. He's the only person she gave it to who wasn't absolutely trusted!. He's gone saying he hates the books!? Wow, that totally shows that he's only in it for the money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is going to finish Midnight Sun, she is in the middle of writing it right now!.!.!. She just said that she needs to wait a little while before she can start writing it again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just wondering!. How are you going to feel when it turns out that RPATTZ or someone at Summit leaked it!? Which is the most logical and likely answer!? Are you going to stay home from the movie!? Just wondering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not pissed, I never cared for the books!. But I feel terrible for all the fans right now!. It must suck to have your favorite book canceled!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah I am really really mad we dont get the book bc the retards leaked it!! I am super mad but i totally agree with SM for not releasing it!! I wish she would release it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wait what !? oh yea it sucks so bad !! i hate it !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, seriously!. I didn't hear about that until I went on this website!. I just read her comment on her website, and I think she's being pretty immature!. I think that not planning out has really gotten to her!. Read this comment for example:

Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like!. With writing, the way you feel changes everything!. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story!.

That's probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard!. In case she forgot, she already WROTE Twilight!. She knows exactly what happens in the end!. So she would just change it because she "felt bad!?" She has a job as an author to write, no matter what!. Every author has bad days, but that doesn't mean they decide not to write the rest of their book!. She treats her writing like it's a hobby!. Well, maybe now it will be, because to every other author on the planet it's called something else: a job!. You set aside X amount of hours and write, no matter if it's 105 degrees outside and you want to go in the pool or it's -35 degrees and you feel like you're going to freeze to death!. You write!. What would happen if every employee only came to work when they "felt like it!?" The world would collapse!.
However, I am not a fan of Stephenie Meyer!. I find her work repulsive!. She creates terrible books with terrible messages!. I am glad that Midnight Sun won't be getting published!. And, quite frankly, I never expected to see it on the bookshelves!. I thought for sure the publishers wouldn't accept it!. But now I'm very curious to see how many "fans" she'll have left after writing

a!.) The worst ending to the Twilight Sage imaginable
b!.) Not finishing her new book because she "doesn't feel like it!."