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Question: Character names affecting story quality!?
In stories, particularly love novels, is it just me or do the names of the characters seem to affect the tone of the story!? Maybe thats not the right word!.!.
Like if the names are really unimaginative it affects the quality of the story!.!. from your point of view, anyway!.

Just I'm writing one at the moment (love story, yes :) ) and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for good main characters' names (one female, one male)
Vague, I know, but something original/enticing!?
Albeit they're just names!.!.
Thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES! I've read stories/watched films where one or more of the characters has a name that just doesn't seem!.!.!. appropriate!. And it does detract from the story, because every time the name comes up, you're not thinking about the story, you're thinking "God, that's a crap name" - which will knock marks off your enjoyment scale!.
There is the whole line of thought that things happen to everybody in real life, and not everyone has got a cool name; but if you're crafting a story for other peoples' enjoyment, why not give the characters names that at least don't sound awkward!?
Without falling into stereotypes, of course!.!.!.

Suggestions: People often like names that are familiar, but slightly exotic and/or mysterious, too!. So foreign names rate well, as long as they're not too obscure!. 'Carlos', 'Roberto', or 'Viktor', perhaps; and 'Estelle', 'Star' or 'Camille' for the ladies!. Womens' names can be a bit more 'out there' but still sound plausible (generally)!.

Ultimately, it's down to how you feel about how you want people to percieve the characters!. Hope that helped!

Sheesh, it's worse than trying to name a baby, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most names have a meaning- mine is 'Colin', which means 'Dove', so if I was writing a male character who was pure and peaceful, I would consider using the name 'Colin!.'

Some names are purely imaginary and suggest character- i!.e!. ***** Galore!. Sometimes a nick-name can be indicative- would YOU go on a date with a guy who was known as 'Chainsaw McGraw!?'

I'm sure there is a few sites out there dedicated to names!.

Best of luck in yr story!.

Incidentally, dull names are NOT indicative of dull characters!. The protagonist of Stephen King's The Dead Zone was John Smith, and it didn't do the story the slightest bit of harm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. you can't have a romantic story and their names are like !. !. !. Table and Tree!. not that they would be names that (well, who knows!?) but i get what your saying!. i feel the same way about it!. like there could be a guy thats hot, but his name is bob!. and his friends names are fred and the girls name is like!.!.!.well i can't think of one that doesn't require thinking at the moment!. but yes, i know what your talking about!.

like sarah!! its not very original!.

maybe try like!. !. !.Declan for the boy [deck-lan], and for the girl!. !. !. you could try Zara or something!. maybe Danielle, that name isn't used at every corner you turn!.

you can go to


and look at the names there and choose one you like!. Theres thousands!!! I use this site for characters whenever I write a story and I can't think of any!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, as someone else once told me, you could call every person in the story Bob, but it won't change the actual quality of the story!.

Now, unoriginal names may definitely bore the reader—but is it really the names that bores them, or just a good excuse to say that the book bores them!?

Hmm !. !. !. Haylie and Matthew, how about!? For their names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They do affect the story!. If the author's names are boring and unimaginative then chances are their writing is as well!.

Check out behindthename!.com they have tons of names and you can search for names by what they mean!. (like if you want the name to mean strong, or whatever you search strong and it'll give you names)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah I totally agree!.!.!.If I open a book and the name is Elizabeth or something then I would be sceptical of how alike she would be to other Elizabeth's!. (not that I don't like that name!.!.!.it's just been used so many times in literature)


I love the names:



Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aurora is a good female name - I think in the original version of Sleeping Beauty the princesses name was Aurora!. For a man something like Dylan or Arran or Cavan or Dante!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Overly calculated names always begin to sound like Dick Tracey's Tess Trueheart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Romeo and Juliet!! No sorry just kidding what about!.!.!. Rachel and Edward or Stephanie and Callum!?!? I'll give it a think and come back with some moreWww@QuestionHome@Com