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Question: Little Book of Essential Foreign Insults!?
Does anyone know where I can find this book in the US online!? It seems to only be available overseas and I don't want to pay the shipping price for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is the cheapest one in the U!.S!. I could find:


This is a whole page of em:

you can download the e-book for $3!.99 here:

you're right most seem to be for sale in England, but the first one on the list is only $1!.00 and the shipping is like $5!. So it's actually about 75cents cheaper than the one in the U!.S!.

Amazon!.com also has it:

Take your pick!. The e-book is the cheapest way to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com