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Question: Is there a good software program for book and screenwriting!?
I'm a beginner and have a strong interest in both!. I would like to find the best software that could hopefully deal with both of the different formats etc!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just use OpenOffice for fiction writing!. (It's an open source substitute for Microsoft Word - you don't need anything fancier than that!.)

For scriptwriting, the best is supposed to be Final Draft, but I use CeltX, which is, again, open source and free!.



Both can be handled quite easily in Microsoft Word!.

while there are several programs specifically for screen writing there is nothing special for book writing!.

I have written a lot of magazine articles, teaching manuals, technical manuals, 200 page reports etc in Word and if you know how to use it then it is a very useful and versatile tool (though you might want to check out other competing word processing packages like the free Open Office)!.

In word learn to use styles and the outline mode and you will find the process fairly easy!.

As for screen writing, there is a very specific format that screen plays are written in!. Once again you can use styles in word to set these up fairly easily!.