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Question: What is your opinion on Catcher in the Rye!?
I read and didn't like it that much!.!.!. did any one actually like it!?!? i mean really like it!? i just wanted to ask to see other perspectives on the book!. i just despised it because it had no climax whatsoever and really was just about a teenage guy's idea that everyone in the world was "phony!." does anyone disagree or agree!?!? just wanted to ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's one of my favorite books!. It actually took me quite awhile to realize that the whole book is just Holden talking to his psychiatrist!. The psychiatrist is trying to figure out why Holden had a breakdown and why's he's having so much trouble in life in general!.

I think that's why alot of people don't like it because they just think it's so random and some of the sentences make no sense!. But I think when you do talk to a shrink (not that i would know) that's how you talk!. You're all over the place and you kind of figure stuff out the more you talk about your problems!.

So that's basically what's going on!. It's not just about a guy thinking things are phony!. He has a good reason!. I mean he wants to protect the children of the world that he sees as phony and he also is still suffering from the death of his brother, whom he talks about numerous times in the book!. I think he uses the word phony alot, but the means something else entirely!. He means that life sometimes makes you think that everything is going to be easy until one day something happens that completely changes that!. Thats why he thinks everything is so phony aka fake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean!. I first read it in 9th grade, and even though I read it twice, I didn't see what the big deal was!. I didn't like Holden, and got sick of him saying that everything was phony!.

I finally went back to read it again this year (a good 9-10 years later), and was able to appreciate it for its irony and Salinger's style (I also read Franny and Zooey, which I loved)!. I'd give it another try in a few years!. Like most books, your appreciation (and ability to relate) will probably change with age and experiences, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book shows nicely the irony of life:!. The rather saturnine, slightly ignorant teenager snubs established traditions and wise counsel, goes out to 'find himself', loses himself and wonders what the heck happened to his life!. Amazing how that works!.

I thought Salinger portrayed this quite well!. You don't need a thrilling climax to tell a tale, merely truth and consequences!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was okay!. i did it for a grade 8 book report and got a good mark for my "effort" on a higher level book, rather than !. !. !. harry potter, like some of the other kids in my class did!. I didn't like it enough to actually buy it, but I didn't hate it, at the same time!. Know what I mean!? I didn't really like it, but I didn't hate it!.

can you answer mine!? it's easy peasy!. It's about my characters (in my book): http://ca!.answers!.yahoo!.com/question/ind!.!.!. Smanx if you do!. If you don't, that's ok, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's the story, I don't know how you didn't get it!. It's about a young man losing his innocense by realizing that the world and all its expectations is a crock of $#!+!.Www@QuestionHome@Com