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Question: Comment on my brother's short story!?
He doesn't like it but i read it and its awesome!!
here it is:

I guess it started 1998, i wish it never happened!. On July 14th 1998, a dark figure was seated at the far end of the room!. The figure said, "master i don't want to save people!." "Then you may not have powers Matt Foute said!. and in a wisp of matt's hand the dark figure's powers were gone!. the figure said i will get my revenge and left!. deep in the tunnels of the figure's house, he said ill now call myself Tyranno!. And that's were Matt made a mistake!.

ten years later, matt was reading the newspaper when his cell phone rang!. it was the mayor!. matt we need your help he said!. matt said I'm on my way!. and matt transformed into super-boy!. super-boy flew away towards the scene of the crime were someone, or something was wreaking havoc!. as he arrived, someone was trying to grab a woman!. bow to silver blade he said!. super-boy raced to her rescue and freed her from silver blades clutches and in the process melted him!. ill be back silver blade said as he was swirling into a sewege pipe!. super boy put the woman down and asked here if she was ok!. im fine!. thanks for saving me she said!. no problem he said!. and from that ppoint forth, matt trained the girl, whose name was katie, how to use super powers correctly

several months had passed of training before any havoc was being wreaked!. and all of a sudden they recieved a call stating silver blade was back and rearing for action!. they left at once!. once they had goten there, all silver blade did was stood there for a few minutes the stormed off!. back at silver blades base, he was on a phone, ive gotten the information youve asked for he said in a raspy voice!. good said the man on the phone, come to me!. a few hours later silver blade arrived in the palace of Tyranno!. perrfect i have all the information i need, tyranno said!. we will strike tonite!

while matt and katie were asleep, tyranno broke in and picked up matt!. katie walked in the room and saw tyranno stab a knife through matts heart!. but before he could matt shot a blue bolt at katie giving her all his powers!. as katie was trying to forge what happened that night, a shadowy figure of matt appeared!. katie, matts ghost said, what katie asked!. do you know why i gave you my powers!? no katie said!. you must kill Tyranno in order for me to be put to rest!. do as i say kill tyranno!. i will said katie but i will need an apprenice to help me!. in a few months she found a girl named cassie!. katie or supergirl now, said if we find silverblade well find Tyranno!. a few years had passed trying to track silver blade, but they found him in new york city!. where is tyranno they asked!. silver blade said ill tell you only because he kicked me out!. hes in tokyo thinking you wont find him!. within a few days, katie and cassie were scoping he city for Tyranno!. after checking every alley and every street corner, they found a message!. be here tommorro five o clock- tyranno!. the next day they were there waiting and out of the darkness came a horrible only describilble with swears!. at once they were attacking each other instantly cassie died from a poison tyannos finger tips sprayed out!. the battle lasted for months, but with one final ice ray, katie killed tyranno and put matt to rest!.

i no theres a lot of errors but there mine!.
be easy on him hes only 14Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats cute actually thats really cute Www@QuestionHome@Com