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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you know of any books that are about?

Question: Do you know of any books that are about!?
I'm interested in finding some books that are about the bad boy falling for the good girl, and he teaches her how to live a little!. If you know any books, just list the title and author and if you've read the book, tell me whether or not you liked the book!. Thanks:) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Property Of by Alice Hoffman

I really really like this book!. There's not alot of mushy gushy romance!. And it's a very "real" book!. It doesn't cut corners!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone Like You, by Sarah Dessen!. It is my favorite book!. Its about this girl who has been best friends with this girl for years, and after her friends bf dies, her friend finds out she is pregnant!. Meanwhile, she starts to like the dead bf's best friend, who is a bad boy!. There is a lot more to this book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com