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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where does it say stephanie meyer might start back on the twilight series?

Question: Where does it say stephanie meyer might start back on the twilight series!?
seriously, there is so much talk going on right now!. i just finished breaking dawn recently and it was the BEST book i have ever read, no joke!. the series is the BEST series i ever read, altho new moon was a little sad, and so was breaking dawn at parts!. but anywayz, i rele want stephanie meyer to write another book becuz i wanna know what happens with bella, edward, and renesmee!. i think bella and edward were made to be together, and i wanna know what happens!. (jacob was never in it for me!.) i think their romance is hot! (bellas and edwards) i always feel like im in the books, they are so good!. edward is so perfect, genuine, nice, sweet, romantic, thoughtful!.!.!.HOT! i <3 edward cullen :D :D :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i loved it too
stephenie meyer will finish writting midnight sun(twilight from edward perspective) and then she said she might continue the story !. she said she is done with edward and bella and if she writes again she will do a story about jacob , renesmee!.!. or something like that

I don't think it does, it just basically says shes not going to say no for certain, but she's already moved on to her other trilogy host!.

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