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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is Tim O' Brian known for?

Question: What is Tim O' Brian known for!?
I've heard of Tim O' Brian but that's about it!. I can't find anything about him on the internet, so I'm hoping Yahoo! Answers can help!. Thanx!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The reason you can't find out anything about him is because you're spelling his name wrong!. It's spelled O'Brien, with an e, not an a!.

He's known for being one of the greatest American authors writing today!. He is a Vietnam War veteran, and that figures largely in his fiction!. His titles include:

If I Die In a Combat Zone
The Things They Carried
Going After Cacciato
In the Lake of the Woods
Tomcat In Love
July, July

among others!.

These sites have basic info, as a starting point!. So does Wiki!.

He's a fantastic author, you can't go wrong!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com