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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In breaking dawn (twilight series), what does it mean for jacob to imprint on Re

Question: In breaking dawn (twilight series), what does it mean for jacob to imprint on Renesmee!?
i was wondering cuz i just finished the book the other day and i didnt really understand thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Imprinting is similar to love at first sight but much stronger!. When a shape-shifter like Jacob sees the one true person that is meant for him (age is irrelevant to them) he no longer desires the affections of others!. So when Jacob imprinted on Renesmee his desires/feelings for Bella were washed away!. Because of the age difference he will watch over her and protect her until she is old enough to have feelings for him!. She will most likely return his affections because she will not feel a love from anyone else like his!. Since he doesn't age the same as normal humans their age difference will never be an issue!. She will actually catch up to him in age!. The same thing happened to Quil!. He imprinted on Claire who was two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

imprinting is what happens to the shape shifters, they think there were-wolfs but there not, all it takes is for one of them to see you once and when they see someone who has the possible chance of continuing the blood line they can imprint it doesn't matter how old the person is they imprint on they will love them the way they need to be loved even if its just as a friend, its an unbreakable bond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you not read the other books!? Imprinting is like love at first sight, but stronger!. Jacob will be whatever Renesmee needs!.!.!.a brother, a friend, a lover!.!.!. whatever she needs right at that minute!. It means they are soul mates and will spend the rest of their lives with eachother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

werewolves imprint, which means, the fist time they see someone, they feel this undying ffection and need to protect this person, basically they're gonna end up married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

imprinting is the shapeshifters for of finding their soul mate so when jacob imprints on renesme, it means that renesme and jacob are soul mates and jacob will love her unconditionallyWww@QuestionHome@Com