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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What did you think of the book Lies My Teacher Told Me?

Question: What did you think of the book Lies My Teacher Told Me!?
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You should read it -- I promise you it is not the kind of history book you're expecting it to be!. It will make you think, maybe for the first time, about WHO gets to decide which facts of 'history' get remembered and how 'facts' may be both true and false!. There are a lot of awful, dry, boring history books out there, so if you're going to read one it should be an exceptionally good one like this!. I bet you'll catch yourself talking about it all the time, saying to people "hey, did you know!.!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. I never read it, because it was recommended by my teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it s the stinky books wirh= paprerWww@QuestionHome@Com