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Question: An agent requested my full manuscript, do I inform other agents when I query them!?
As the question says, I had an agent request my full manuscript and I'm not sure if I should tell the other agents I've already queried or the ones I plan to query that I've already had a request for a full!. If so, how do I tell them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is the polite thing to do to only submit a manuscript to one agent at a time, even if you have multiple queries out!. In fact, many agents request that you submit manuscripts on an exclusive basis!. The best way to handle this would have been to put in the query letter that, while it was a multiple submission query, you will exclusively submit your manuscript!. But, since it is too late for that :) just handle it as it comes along!.

IF another agent asks to see your manuscript, politely say "I have submitted my manuscript to someone already!. I am only submitting to one agent at a time, so when they are done with it, I will submit to you!. I will be deciding in a couple of months who is the best fit for me and my project!." Will you lose the chance with another agent by doing this!? Possible, but odds are, if they want your manuscript, they will wait!.

As far as a bidding war: agents don't pay you for your manuscript!. The only people who will have a bidding war would be publishers, and your agent will negotiate that!. No agent in their right mind is going to submit to a publisher to have an "agents war" when there is a chance they won't even be the agent!. They will only submit for you once you have signed a contract with them, so there will be no bidding war amongst agents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are smart about it, you can start a bidding war for the rights to your book!.
That means more money for you!. Do, however, tell them that you are looking into other companies as well!.

Your manuscript got requested!? MAJOR feat!. I wish with every fiber in my being to get requested!.

Dont say it's gotten requested!. If more than one company is interested in your book, you should take the most money you can get from the deal!.
Here's a book I loved and found extremely useful!. Its free, too!. Just need to have an amazon account (also free) and you can get it!. From a former agent that REALLY knows what hes talking about!.