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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone have the entire plot and summary, ending and all of the Jodi Picoult

Question: Does anyone have the entire plot and summary, ending and all of the Jodi Picoult book Change Of Heart!?!?!?
tell me everything about it please!. person with most will DEFF get best answer! thanks! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
June's first husband was killed in a car crash!. Against all the odds, her daughter was uninjured and, in another miracle, June found love again with the policeman who rescued them!. Six years on they are a happy family, June pregnant with their own child!. But now June's second daughter is dying without the new heart she so urgently needs!. And her first daughter, along with her husband, is dead, killed by Shay Bourne, an itinerant workman they welcomed into their home!. The crime was so heinous that Shay has been given the death penalty for the first time in 69 years in New Hampshire!. Shay is going to die, and he is looking for redemption!. He wants to give June's daughter his heart !.!.!.

It's such a good book!Www@QuestionHome@Com