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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have any of u guys heard of a book calle The Lovely Bones?

Question: Have any of u guys heard of a book calle The Lovely Bones!?
if u read the book i like to confrim that they r doing a movie and here is the cast to the movie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh awesome! I actually started re-reading that book last night!. I had forgotten how creepy it was!. I actually couldn't sleep!. lol!. That's a great book, but it's definitely not one you should read before you go to bed!.

Yay!!! THe cast is amazing!!! And Peter Jackson as the director!!!! I can't wait to see this movie!. That little girl from Atonement is great for the role of Susie Salmon and I love who they cast as her parents!!Www@QuestionHome@Com