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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some specific problems from the diary of anne frank? its for a projust

Question: What are some specific problems from the diary of anne frank!? its for a projust and my freind has my book!.!.!.!?
ten points!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.She is depressed because she is trapped inside all day and has to be quiet
2!.She likes two guys kinda, and both their names are Peter
3!.She doesnt know whether her friends are alive or not
4!.Their is a lack of food in the house
5!.She has to share a room with and old weird manWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Nuremberg Laws!.
To name a few, Jews were no longer allowed to own a bicycle, have a radio, and could not fly the German flag!.

Because the Secret Annex was small, there was hardly any privacy being that there were eight people!. They had to wait until the work men left the building before they could flush the toilet!. Plus everyone knew that the Gestapo could burst in anytime and arrest them!. Sadly, the nightmare came true on August 4, 1944 when the Gestapo arrested everyone in the Annex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com