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Question: How to properly set out a manuscript!?
Hi!. I just like to know how you properly set out a manuscript, thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've covered this in my blog!. http://ajbarnett-story!.blogspot!.com/2008!.!.!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Princess is dead right!. I would also suggest a covering sheet with the title, number of words (to the nearest thousand), and your name and address in the bottom right corner!. Whatever you do, don't bind it or staple it- editors hate that!. also, pages should be numbered in ascending order from the start to the finish of the piece- they don't like it when they finish reading chapter 1, only to find that the author labels the next page 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, and then 3/1, 3/2, 3/3 and so on!.
People like to think that they are the first to read anything, so if yr manuscript has 'done the rounds' and been sent back to you, consider whether or not it needs printed again- anything that doesn't look smart will almost certainly be rejected!.
Two golden rules:

1!. GET USED TO REJECTION- editors reject stuff for a hundred different reasons, so don't get discouraged if your work comes back to you!. If they suggest improvements, then it's worthwhile paying attention- they might not be right, but sometimes they come up with some good ideas!. also, it suggests that they read the piece thoroughly, which should be taken as a compliment!.

2!. NEVER PAY SOMEBODY TO READ YOUR WORK- there are hundreds of companies that will send your work back to you, along with a letter that says something like 'we really liked it, but don't have time to read all of it!. Send us £50 and we'll tell you how you can make it better!.' DO NOT BE TEMPTED- reputable publishers do this for free!.

I wish you the very best of luck!. It took me nearly seven years to break into the business, but it's still a huge amount of fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's quite simple!. It should be:

--Double spaced!.
--In 11 or 12 pt Times New Roman, or similar (i!.e!. courier new)
--Have a header or footer with the title, your name and the page number!.
--There shouldn't be lines between the paragraphs!. Instead there should be an indent at the beginning of a paragraph of about 0!.5-1cm!.