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Question: What should I name my graphic novel!?
I am making a graphic novel!. (Unimportant, but the art style is manga)

I need a name for it!. For a long time I have simply called it 'Insert Title Here'!. But now I want to give it a real name because I am finally going to get serious with it!. My friend and I tried to come up with a good name, but we couldn't get anything that sounded right!. So, could someone give me some suggestions!?

About ITH:
It follows the story of a teen named Jessica!. In her family are her father, who she always fights with, her mother, and her little brother who during the story has a cold!. The story begins when she invites her significant other Sam over for dinner!. Meanwhile a group of criminals are on the run!. One of them, Raven, uses the internet to randomly select someone's phone number, Jessica's!. She calls her and tells her she'll drop off the money soon, Jessica thinking its some prank call blows it off!. So then Sam arrives; while the parents expected a Samuel, they got a Samantha!. They begin dinner when the doorbell rings!. Jess goes to answer it, followed by her brother!. As it is being banged open by the criminals, Jess kicks her brother into a closet to hide him!. From there the story is about the criminals hiding within the family's house!. The ending finally comes about to start with when they send Jessica to go buy food!. In case by some one in a million chance anyone who reads this actually reads my graphic novel, I won't write the ending so I don't ruin it!.

Anyway, suggestions please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting plot line!. I'd love to read it!. Thanks for not spoiling it on me!. XD!. Anyhow, I think a good name is The Telephone!. Or just Telephone alone!.!.!.!. But i do agree with the answerer a bit above me, this is yours so it should be YOURS!.
Have fun choosing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mix Up!. Jessica!. maybe!. u have 2 read the whole thing b4 acutally deciding on the title, because usually its based on little things, like the name of the town, name of the girl, blah, at least the new books are!.

or how about the address that she's staying in!? ex!. 800 baxter st!. or just baxter street!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Jessica's Secret"Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 800 4 Mayhem
Prank CallWww@QuestionHome@Com

you should name it whatever comes to mind!. it comes from u, not us

cold cash
i write songs and stories for a living need any help my email is