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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What color does "Sting" glow in the Lord of the Rings books?

Question: What color does "Sting" glow in the Lord of the Rings books!?
After watching The Fellowship of the Ring, I noticed "Sting" glowed blue and was said by Bilbo Baggins to glow blue!. If I recall, it glowed purple in the Hobbit and the book trilogy in the presence of orcs!. I couldn't find the glowing part in the books by quickly browsing!. Could anyone who is a big fan of the books (better than movies) help me out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmm!. Okay, in The Two Towers in the "Shelob's Lair" chapter it says "He saw that the sword which Frodo still held unsheathed was glittering with blue flame!.!.!. Orcs!"!. So, it glows blue, just as it does in the movies!. Most other mentions of the sword just say that it's glowing, not that it's blue, so I couldn't find anything in the The Hobbit about the color, but I assume it's blue throughout because Tolkien was very careful with continuity!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

the sword does glow blue in the books!.!.!.unfortunately I can't find the reference but I can guarantee it as an avid reader of the lord of the rings booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

It does indeed glow blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com