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Position:Home>Books & Authors> To whoever read "The World is Flat"?

Question: To whoever read "The World is Flat"!?
I need to name another "flattener", meaning happenings that "level the global playing field" of the world!. One that is not mentioned in the book (e!.g!. wikipedia, internet in general, fall of the berlin wall, etc!.)!. Would diamonds be a good example!? I am having trouble thinking of an example!. Thank you! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about free email sites like Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail!? These allow anyone to have an email address anywhere, without actually owning a computer!. I remember cell phones were listed in the book, he talked about cell phone reception even in remote locations in Japan!.

I think global shipping was mentioned as well!. (e!.g!. FedEx UPS DHL)

Oh, how about satellite TV that allows information to be broadcast around the world almost instantly! Look at the news coming out of Burma, and the coverage of the Tsunami and Hurricanes that 20 years ago we wouldn't have seen that film until a week later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com