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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think the twilight movie will be better than the book?

Question: Do you think the twilight movie will be better than the book!?
im worried that summit entertainment might kill the whole story!.!.
i love the books and im a little worried about how the movie is going to turn out!.!. i don't know if it's going to live up to the great story!.!. what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
definately not
there going to ruin it Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not that they are going to kill it!. its that there is just so much a movie can take from a book!. everything is from bellas perspective and in books there are many details that are described and in a movie it is impossible to be just as accurate!. they might put in some extra little things or scenes!. the producer and director have both said that they want to bring out the book in film and try not to change much so im sure that it will be just as good!.!.!.just in a different way!. movies and books are different!. they may say the same story but the way it is portrayed is much different!.
im glad they got robert pattinson <333333 and kristen stewart for the main roles!.!.!.as well as the other actors!. they are not mainstream actors which is good because then you can really see them as the characters and not as actors!.

i cant wait for the movie !!!!!!!!

i love edward !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah Ive seen so many commercials that just make it look cheesey, not to mention it was filmed in the town right next to me, I saw Edwards Volvo, its not the one he drove in the book but some stupid looking one!. Idk, and Im worried his song he wrote for Bella wont be as pretty as Stephanie made it sound in the book!. Plus, Kirsten Stewart is so bleh for Bella!. She has such a deep voice, and a weird chin!.!.!.I just dont think it will live upto the books!. But Im still going to see it cause Robert Pattinson is HOT and itll be weird to see where I live on a freaking huge movie hit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the Edward they picked is gorgeous, so for that it will be good!. Movies are never as good as books!. Twilight describes a lot of emotions and you cannot capture that in a movie!. They also added scenes, which makes it not even like the book!. So it will suck but i'm still going to see it because Robert Pattinson's crocked smile to nice to pass off!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really worried as well!. if you look at the trailer, they changed lots of things (EG!. Bella asked Edward how old he was in the car not in the forest and when bella was going to be hit by Tyler, Edward was suppose to push her out of the so she didn't know for sure that is was him who saved her)!. I REALLY hope they don't change the story too much but i think they're gonna cut some of the begging and make the fight scene longer :( I'm still excited about it tho xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

well just have to wait and see i'm pissed off that they got Nikki reed for rosalie when she f u c k ing part cheerokee indian and italian excuse my languge but that pisses me off
it looks good though although they turned the guy who played tyler black and the guy who plays laurette black they could have easily put othter black character in it without turning two people who were white black Stephanie was being realist though i bet in wasington there are like no black people in that state i'm sure there is probally like 10 out of 100 black people that live in washigton
Nikki Reed i think would have made a good leah what do u thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

I expect it to be a let down!. Don't get me wrong I'm still going to see it but the movie never lives up to the book!. I was extremely disappointed in the Harry potter movies!. I didn't hate them but not nearly as good as the books!.


Oh man!. They're gonna kill it, I just know it!.!.!.Eragon could have been a decent movie too and look how that turned out *shudder*

I'm making my sister watch it first before I see it!. ;P Let's just cross our fingers and hope it doesn't ruin such a great series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh gos, i really hope not!.
kw whats funny!?!? my least favorite HP movie was #4, and Rob Pattinsons in it!.!.!. thats kinda weird!. but its not his fault at all!.!.!. i just didnt like it!.!.!.
i want to see the Midnight showing of it, but my moms not letting me!.!.!.!! im almost 13! :( lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

some of the characters could have been hotter but i don't think that they'll kill the book with the movie! i highly doubt it will be as awesomely awesome as the book but it will be cool enough for my liking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I think that the characters aren't exactly who I would prefer, but it seems like they're going to pass it off alright!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They will!.
The Books are always better then the Movies!.

im a bit worried about that too they changed a few things too :[ i hope the changes dont mess it up :]

november 21 <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it will be worse!.
Look what happened to Eragon!Www@QuestionHome@Com