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Question: Question:1,meaning of 'my sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits';2,meaning of 'her signature sartorial style'!?
Introduced by her daughter, Chelsea, who called her “my hero,” Mrs!. Clinton was met with a lengthy, loud standing ovation!. She sprinkled her opening remarks with personal touches, delighting the crowd by thanking “my supporters, my champions — my sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits,” a reference to her signature sartorial style!.
question:1,meaning of 'my sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits';2,meaning of 'her signature sartorial style'

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're both just references to the media/comedian obsession with the fact she and quite a few of the women of her generation wear pant suits!.

Sisterhood of the traveling pant suits plays on the novels and movies currently out called "sisterhood of the traveling pants!." Basically she is making a joking reference to her hardcore female supporters, the women over 40 who did much of the hard work to establish the equality of the sexes we enjoy today!.

Sartorial is a Latin based word, basically it just means tailor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com