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Question: I want to know if my story is good or not!?
I wrote , so far, three chapters on fictionpress for a story I call
"Never Liked Tea" and not many people have viewed or even reviewed it!. I don't know if I should continue or not because I don't know what many people think of it!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Needs some work on the grammar, spelling, etc but that's what editors are for!. You have the hard part, which is the story itself!. What will happen next!?! hmm !. !. !.

Would such girls really say, "oh, my goodness," or "oh, my gosh," though!? I think they would use the proper cuss words, perhaps !. !. !? Just a suggestion!. Your dialogue is great!.

Be careful not to confuse people slipping between first person and third person - I had to back up a couple times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From I read the first chapter and so far it's really good!. I really liked how you looped the reader in by delaying the message that the grandmother was trying to tell Riley!. It made me want to keep reading!

Don't worry whether people are reading or reviewing your story on that site!. Just continue to write what you love!. The fact that you came here and asked for opinions shows that you're passionate about your work in my opinion!. Good luck with the rest! Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's just fine! [[And I'm not just saying that, I actually read it]]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com