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Question: What is this series called!?
from what i can remember, it has three books!.
it has a boy named nathaniel!. he can do magic with incense and symbols on the floor!.
and an attitudy demon-like thing named bartemeis(sp!?) that can turn into other things, like a shapeshifter!. This guy can't touch silver!.
!.!.!.it also has a lot of footnotes in it, explaining the world they live in and stuff!.
if anyone knows, can you give me the series name, AND the individual book names, that would help!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Bartimaeus trilogy (The Amulet of Samarkand, Golem's Eye, Ptolemy's Gate) by Jonathon Stroud

EDIT: Nathaniel is a magician!. He summons Bartimaeus, a Djinn, who does magic, changes shape (on lower levels) and who's essence is vulnerable to silver and to a lesser extent iron!. Bartimaeus does footnotes, because he says he thinks on more levels than us - his chapters are first person!. Other chapters (usually Nathaniel's) have no footnotes and are third person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is called The Bartimaeus Trilogy, and the first book in the trilogy is called The Amulet of Samarkand, the second is called The Golem's Eye and the third is called Ptolemy's Gate!.

Hope this is what you are looking for!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com