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Question: Breaking dawn!. The worst book ever!?
i had to force myself to finish this ridiculous book!. how can anyone read this and say its the BEST EVER!. i've never read anything so horribly written!. Have you read breaking Dawn!? Would you say this is the worst book ever written!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay!. Let's put it this way!. I had to read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury for school three years ago, and I HATED it!. Afterwards, whenever someone asked me what my least favorite book was, it was Fahrenheit 451, no competition!. The only good thing I got from it was learning how to correctly spell "Fahrenheit!."

But if someone gave me a choice between Fahrenheit 451 and Breaking Dawn, I'd go with 451 without a second thought!.

This is most certainly the worst book ever written -and made popularized!. Not only the writing, but the characters and plot were terrible!. I hate when people say "you guys just don't like it because it's not how YOU wanted it!." All any fan of a book series asks for is a "normal" plot, one that follows the rest of the series, one that fits in!. Meyer completely disregarded all the rules she'd created in her world, and that definitely makes for a terrible author!. You can't tell me that vampires only have venom, and they have no other bodily fluids and then have the main character get pregnant by one, without an explanation!. You can't tell me that imprinting is rare and then have all the wereolves imprint!. You can't tell me that they're *werewolves* and then suddenly they're not, they're shapeshifters- that was very pointless to the plot, by the way!.

And the characters were completely out of character!. I did prefer Bella's personality in BD to hers in Twilight (besides her sudden craving for the bed+Edward) but it shouldn't have changed!. Why did it change!? That's poor writing!. And Edward was less abusive which is good, but inconsistent!. And Jacob was a whole new person after he imprinted!. Okay, so that part isn't unexplainable, but now you're telling me that your personality changes after you imprint!.

I could go on but I don't want to end up with carpel tunnel!. I swear, the number of times I rant about the horrificness of this book will come back to haunt me someday!.

So!. Yes!. This is the worst book ever written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haven't even read Breaking Dawn cuse of the pattern above especially because it has tons of jacobness (my sis's readit) And I'm a devoted Cullen fan especially Alice, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward!. I even read cullen fanfiction! ;D Obsessed much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say, i LOVED the ending (duh! who doesn't love happy endings!?) but it was kinda slow!. also, i dont feel like she really wrapped things up!. u know, tied together all the loose ends!. like, she introduced sooooo many new characters, implying things like a visit to the amazon and the overthrowing of the volturi by the romanians!. honestly, im one of the many OVERLY OBSESSED teens of twilight!. i cried just becuz the books were done!. i dont understand ppl who dont like these books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a HUGE fan of the Twilight series!. But I thought Breaking Dawn was terrible! Like seriously, Reneseme(or however you spell that)!. Seems to me like Stephenie was a bit too rush to write this book!. So it didn't turn out how I expected it at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was ok it was a little boring and draggy at parts like the volturri part i know everybody was expecting an ultmate fight right here but all they did was talk its building building then nope no fight thats really the only thing that ticked me off about the book other than that i though it was ;okWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah seriously, definitely the worst book ever!. i knew as soon as i read bella was preggers that it couldn't be saved!. then they had to add insult to injury and name the freak kid renesmee!. wtf!? i hate this series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn, and all the rest of the Twilight books, are seriously the best books I have ever read!. Everyone has their own opinions, just because you dont like the books, doesnt mean they are bad!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely NOT the worst book ever!. I mean, it wasnt amazing, but i have read some books that are just so plain horrible, it makes the book look amazing!.


Agreed!. It was AWFUL!. I've read comic books with more substance!. There was no plot, the characters seemed different, and overall it was poorly written!. I too, had to force myself to finish it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, the worst in the series!.!.!.i hate another book already, so i wont say its the worst EVER !.!.!.just a bit gruesome and over exxagerated =]

i like the rest tho =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't say the best one!. My favorite is just Twilight!. I like it how they meet, and how much Edward is decribed in it!. It made my heart race all through the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the worst!. The second runner ups are the rest of the series!. Meyer is on crack!. She is!. She so is!.
Angel_U - my new self!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, no!. For me, that would have to be my math book!.

BD is on the list, though!.


it wasnt as good as twilight but it wasn't THAT bad


One of the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

welllllll it wasnt real good like twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

yea it probably was!. the whole series is crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com