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Question: Best story planning technique!?
Hi, i can never plan a story well!. Is there a really good way to do it!? Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It all depends on your own personal way of writing!. Some people will come up with an idea for a story, then create many landmarks (including the start and the end) and 'fill in the gaps'!. Others just sit down and write, coming up with ideas as they go along!. Most people, I imagine, will make notes about upcoming aspects or any ideas for further on in the story that they have!. My approach is to come up with the beginning and end of a story and maybe two or three major landmark moments in between, then I start from the beginning and focus on getting to the first landmark!. I make notes whenever an idea comes to me and try to expand on the idea!. Remember, notes are exactly that, and you don't necessarily need a lot of them, for example I have about three A5 pages of notes for the next part of my novel and am quite sure they will relate to around 30,000 words or so!.

So I guess the best advice I can offer is to expand on small ideas, working around them and linking them together until they join with the few big ideas you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try a basic plan first and then right the ending first - it will give you something to work to and is an interesting way of writing your story!.
You can also slip in little clues throughout the book if you aren't that good at making a mysterious story/ tone!. Sometimes books can be a bit too obvious - this way you can be careful what you say and keep the right level of suspense!. hope this helps x xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Develop a character, someone a bit offbeat!. Ask yourself questions about this person!. Indeed, imagine him/her is sitting opposite to you at the table!. Ask them questions!. In your imagination, listen to their answers!. Before you know it, you have a story!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

My lecturer said you gotta know the ending, even if it changes along the way!. What you gotta figure out is how to get to the end!. Just write and keep thinking of ways to get to the next step!.Good luck ai and keep it up, if you really love the idea, don't give up :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

try a mindmap, then you can extend your ideas whilst looking at the original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com