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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anybody remember the name of this children's book?

Question: Anybody remember the name of this children's book!?
I can only remember a small portion of it, but I remember liking it alot!. we are having a baby very soon, and would like to be able to find the book!.
It starts out with a house sitting all by itself!. page by page, more and more houses and buildings begin to build up around it!. the book continues as the scene gets more and more crowded and dirtier!. towards the end of the book, the house gets moved back out to where it is by itself all over again!.
I know that that is a very vague description, but that is about all i can specifically recall!. I think the moral was in the same vein as the lorax!. I was a child of the 80's if that helps narrow it down!. thanks for your help!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe you're speaking of "The Little House," by Virginia Lee Burton!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont remember that one Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably not Roxaboxen, is it!? I've heard of this book, but haven't ever seen the whole thing!. The link may tell you more!.

A bit of the summary: Roxaboxen celebrates the imagination of children who, no matter the time or place, can create whole worlds out of what they find around them--here, rocks and boxes, cacti and sand!.

If you go to Amazon, on the bottom of the page is a section that reads: Look for Similar Items by Subject!. You can check any boxes that apply and it will search for books meeting your criteria!.

Looks like the previous answerer is right!. I checked it out, too, and sounds like the one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com