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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who's MAJORLY tired of the Twilight questions? (I like twilight but I'm

Question: Who's MAJORLY tired of the Twilight questions!? (I like twilight but I'm so tired of Twilight questions >_<!)!?
Who's tired of seeing Twilight question on YA a million times!? I know I am TOTALLY tired of seeing them!. I read the books (haven't finished Breaking Dawn) and there a pretty good series!. But come on people get over yourself! Edward's (or who ever you like/love/obsess over) not going to jump out of the pages! I'm just saying enough is enough!. I don't even have to read the question because I know what it's going to be about: Edward, Jacob, favorite Vamp, and what ever else you feel like you have to ask!.!.!.again!.

You don't have to answer if your a lover of Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know! I liked the series, and I don't mind answering legit questions, but I hate ones like:

"Where can I read it for free online"
"What page is this on"
"Do you like Edward or Jacob!?"

I mean, those are ones that are either obvious, or things that would only take you a second to look up yourself!. And plus, because of all the hype I had huge expectations when I finally read them, and was disappointed!. I liked it, but I've read better books that didn't get half as much attention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely agree!. I've never read them, and I am so sick of all the questions about them!. That, and when anyone asks for a book suggestion, no matter what they express interest in, somebody will always recommend those books!. Super annoying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i amWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree! People need help!! Some of the question are so tottaly dumb!! LOL!!


Oh!. My god!. People need to shut up!. When we Dark Siders say we don't like the book and explain why, they brush us off and then ask us if we've ever read the book as if we're stupid and never HAVE read the book!. I used to be an obessor, okay, I admit it!. But I loathe the series!. LOATHE it with a PASSION!. They're all so immature!. They think a Petition against a book series is a stupid idea, but what they fail to realize is the REASON the petition is going on (Dark Siders only want recognition and an apology from Meyer who insulted us and Little, Brown needs to realize they can't publish that unpolished crap) and that this petition is against a BEST SELLING BOOK SERIES!. So it's not pointless!. You Twilighters are just immature and in denial!.

Sorry for ranting!. This barely relates to your question XD But I'm tired of the Twilight questions, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com